The Chemist

1 min readAug 23, 2021

A person.

A person I know

And because I know her

I am better.

What to say of her?

She is strong of course,

Stronger than any would think

And wise and brilliant.

And with unimaginable


Force of will.

But more than that

More than any and all that came before.

She loves.

She cares and loves

Greater than the waves

Of the sea and heat of the sun.

And still more.

She loves so fierce.

So strong. So unyielding.

The kind of love all around her

Could go their whole lives

Without ever feeling once more.

Friends colleagues brothers.

Her sphere of loyalty and care

Is a cacophony of silence

A warm enveloping pressure,

Ever present in the air.

Certainly, she already

Hates this little exercise.

Because she listened to the voices in her head.

She believed their lies.


You are strong and smart and wise.

In a world of bots you are a BEING

We watch you from afar in wonder.

You, who could touch the stars

Fix the broken,

Move the mountains

Tear them asunder.

You are the only thing standing in your way.

You are so mighty you make yourself weak.

Afraid of what you might do.

Like Superman in a world of cardboard.

You could be greater than any that came before.


Never let despair hold you back.

You are loved, and we are greater for having loved you.

Take on the world,

Change it.

End it.

Never stop being the best of us.

